The Blunt Music..

There was a time when my taste in music could only be described as being insipid. I didn’t listen to any kind of music. I just played cricket and table tennis, ate Lays, read The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew and Wodehouse and slouched in front of the television like (or arguably unlike) any other teenage dork. Music for me started with Metallica and Nothing Else Matters. I don’t remember the ‘young me’ actively following any group or solo musician. Nothing Else Matters, changed all that. It was a song that blew me away, and introduced me to the wonders of rock music. True rock lovers would wince at Metallica being referred to as ‘rock music’, as they would consider anything that was not Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple to be soft chimes. So I attempted to listen to their music but desisted from following them as the risk of developing perforated ear drums was immense. Also the upstairs people didn’t quite enjoy the din.
As I reached out into the far corners of the music world I listened to Goo Goo Dolls, Floyd, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi and the crazy Ozzy Osbourne. But nothing really seemed too exciting until the first Greenday album launched. And I got hooked. The Greenday style of hard-but-soft riffs was also adopted by Hoobastank and Nickelback, as a result of which I got hooked to those bands as well. Music was evolving, and I was taken for a ride.
And now, my taste in music can only be described as Blunt. James Blunt is an amazing musician. He is the most incredible guitarist, singer and lyricist and his music is sensational. Fun to listen to, full of humor, melodious and bold, his music has created a genre by itself which few others can match. It is also the most depressive and dark music, and it isn’t something that one would want to listen to while sipping their morning coffee. But, it is real. Not everything is fun in life and the sun doesn’t always shine and the birds don’t always chirp. With Blunt I realized that music doesn’t always need to be a medium which can uplift you, it simply needs to be something that you can identify with. And the Blunt music is all of that and more..


  1. :) I didnt quite follow Blunt after 'You're beautiful' but yeah, he has a really different, melancholic sound.. He can literally push you over the edge if you're down in the dumps :P

  2. hmm. :) his voice is unique, i guess. yeah, but that's what you want in music, right? :)
    you didn't listen to 'Goodbye my lover', 'Superstar' and 'I'll be your man' ? some of the awesomest songs..

  3. Ive heard all of them.. in your car :P


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